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If you’ve grown up in the era of Karate Kid, Mortal Kombat, or Tekken, chances are high that at some point in life, you went through a ‘karate phase’, where all you wanted to do was yell ‘hi-yah!’ while karate-chopping the air. But have you ever wondered whether knowing karate is even relevant when it …

Read More about How Effective Is Karate? Facts + Comparison With Other MAs

I’ve been learning about the origins of different martial arts and I suspected that karate was Japanese, but didn’t know its exact history. I thought it might be from China or Korea. So, I did some research, and here’s what I found. So, is karate Japanese or Chinese? Karate is Japanese in origin, and according …

Read More about Is Karate Japanese Or Chinese? (Solved!)

I used to do karate and currently do other martial arts. Over that time I’ve been learning about the pros and cons of the different martial arts. And I thought I’d put together to explain the advantages and disadvantages of karate. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of karate? The advantages are: You can …

Read More about 7 Karate Advantages And Disadvantages